Though the ice has melted and it’s now safe to drive into town, I wanted to share a few pictures I took after the storm left us in a beautiful crystal world. I was struck by the clarity of the blue sky and my prayer flags, icicles dripping from them as daytime melting had then tried to freeze. The group of saplings surrounding my lilac bush that I need to clear out, turned into an icy, coated wonderful feast for the eyes.

There’s long icicles dripping off the edge of the walkway near the fed shed, and the top of the chicken run glistened like a crystal mesh over the pen. It never ceases to amaze me just how beautiful the aftermath of an ice storm is and can be in places, especially when it’s not always this way. The worst of it hit about 100 miles to the south.

Still, storms of any kind, even when we were having thunder sleet and freezing thunderstorms (thunder freezing rain? I’m never sure what to call it), remind me of Mother Nature’s majesty and power. It can be indeed very beautiful.

Find magic in the day by taking time to view the beauty, to cast your attention to it. Absorb it. For it connects you to nature and to yourself.