As a backyard chicken flock keeper, this time of year the eggs arrive fast and furious. We’re getting 7-9 eggs a day, and while I sell quite a few, I also keep quite a few to eat. So I looked up “are eggs good to eat on a yogi diet?” Not only are eggs a wonderful source of protein, but they don’t harm the chickens, and in the case of my flock, come from animals which are kept very well indeed (dare I say spoiled?). However in the ayurvedic diet, eggs are considered tamasic, in other words, they are advised against if one follows a sattvic, or yogic, diet. Does this mean that you can’t eat them or any other food? Of course not.

I am a firm believer that the food you eat has an energetic vibration and karma. For those who eat meat, the better the animal is treated, the better the energy and karma of that food. However, understanding that not everyone has access to grass fed beef, pastured or free range poultry, or even backyard eggs (check to find someone near you.), if you do eat more industrially raised food, understand that there are ways to transform that energy, such as by preparing with care, using reiki or energy work methods, or even being conscious of your food choices.

There are two main reasons given why eggs are tamasic. They are animal by-products, which are seen as heavy and difficult to digest. Additionally, in the west, many eggs are produced in factory-like environments. (I’ll talk about what designations like free range mean in a future blog. You might be surprised.)

baby chicks on shavings looking happy and content

Of the choice between eggs and meat, certainly eggs when produced by hens who are cared for in humane ways, create less stress on the animal. There is no death involved. (Even if you have roosters, as I do, collecting eggs every day means nothing develops even if the egg is fertilized.) The chicken can lay anywhere from 150-300 eggs a year depending on breed and diet, and it happily does so as long as all of its needs are provided for.

In this case, I choose to eat my backyard eggs because they’re delicious and I know exactly how they were produced and what went into the care of the hens.

In fact, I even purchased 11 additional chicks (9 of them ‘pullets’ or hens, 2 unknown), to increase my flock size so I could produce more eggs for sale. I did this because not only are chickens my special interest, but also I know I care for them well and people enjoy my eggs. If I can put more eggs into people’s refrigerators that come from well cared for chickens, then I am helping to improve the energy vibration and karma of their food. That, to me, is a good thing.

Being aware of the energy vibration of our food, where it comes from, how it gets to our table, what’s involved in it’s production and cultivation, are all good things. If possible, it allows us to choose to support means of production that are sustainable, local, and have a higher financial impact upon individual people rather than corporations. All of this goes into the karma and energy of our food, a topic I hope to get into in more detail, because it all comes back to the wellness wheel and our own wellness.