If I could distill the Chicken Yogi Way down to one simple concept it’s that you should be free to crow & flow. What does that mean? It means speaking your truth, making noise when necessary (or for fun), and flowing with life as you work from your heart and what moves you. If you’ve been around chickens, you know they can be noisy. Hens will cluck and talk to one another, and when they lay an egg, they make “egg song” which is a loud series of calls that celebrates their achievement. Roosters will cluck to their hens, pointing out the best tidbits of food and also crow to announce territory. As the meme goes, if you could start the day screaming your presence, why wouldn’t you?

When you’re not crowing & flowing, you’re hiding your light. You’re playing small, keeping quiet. Whatever words you choose to call it, the entire experience is not fun. It doesn’t feel good, and often it makes you feel like something is missing. What’s missing is your voice, your stories, your authentic self.

You deserve to be heard. You deserve to crow. You deserve to be able to flow as your heart and intuition speaks to you. It’s at this point we could really do a deep dive into how our social structures keep us from being able to do this, but for now we’re talking about crowing and flowing.

How do you crow and flow?

A large part of it is tuning into your body. Do you need to stand and move? Do you need to change tasks? Is your mind pulling you in a different direction? Instead of worrying about focus or productivity, you simply do what needs to be done. In my case, that usually means working at small projects throughout the day, and by the time the day finishes, I can usually point to several things I accomplished.

On the days I don’t accomplish as much as I feel I should, I check in with myself. Did I need a day of rest? Was I dealing with some mental health issues that needed me to give myself love and space and not push? If so, then I was doing exactly what I needed to do.

My roosters don’t care if they’re gray or white or brown, or what breed they are, or if they even have a tail. (I have one with the “Rumpless” gene, so he lacks a big tail like the others.) They simply speak their truth, watch out for those around them, and occasionally get into mini scuffles over territory, but in the end, they all go to roost in the same coop and they live a peaceful existence in harmony with themselves and their environment. And that’s what crowing and flowing is all about.