
Private lessons will be available starting early 2023. For now, all services are incorporated into our Chicken Yogi Wellness Group, which is a monthly program. You can learn more by visiting the program site.


Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), also known as tapping, is when you use your fingertips to tap on accupuncture merdian points on the face, hands, and torso while speaking aloud about a situation or feeling you’d like to change. The combination of vocalization, thought pattern changes, as well as acknowledging the situation, along with the light rhythmic pressure on the accupuncture points helps to shift thought process and situations through the energy field.

Kit is a certified EFT practitioner and has successfully used the technique to work through thought patterns, situations, and help change habits for the better.



Kit is the author of the Five-Minute Meditation Solution and frequently uses shorter sessions of meditation to help calm the mind, find focus, and receive true relaxation. As a certified meditation instructor, they utilize several different types of meditation in their practice and also record guided meditations for client use. 

Kit believes in the power of creative visualization, as well as practice, to help harness wayward thoughts during meditation. They also believe that each individual can find their own way to meditate and not every method works for everyone. Kit looks forward to seeing how to help you meditate and find the benefits of doing so.

Reiki & Energy Work

There’s more to energy work than reiki, and more to reiki than just the energy component. As a reiki master, Kit, uses energy work with her clients to help clear blockages, send support, and promote relaxation. They’re the author of Animal Reiki (under the name Mary Caelsto), which was one of the first books published to deal with reiki for pets and animals.

Reiki can be sent over time and distance; therefore, there’s no requirement for hands-on treatments. Let Kit work at their altar or participate in one of their periodic energy shares.


Kit is a 500HR registered yoga teacher (RYT) working on pursuing their E-RYT (experienced registered yoga teacher) and a member of the Yoga Alliance. With the belief yoga is for every body, and yoga is more than just the poses–it’s a philosophy and a way of life.

Join the Chicken Yogi Wellness Group Program for on-demand yoga videos and sessions.

Kit’s focus is always accessible yoga, with an emphasis on slow yoga. Chair yoga, as well as adaptations for those with balance or mobility issues are also provided in many of the classes.

shadow figure of man standing inside a mandalla with circles around it and lines radiating outward like energy

Wellness Coaching

Although the WHO defines health as the “absence of disease”, it’s really so much more than that. For those with chronic illness, disabilities, or who are neurodivergent, they’re often left out of the health and wellness marketplace. And they’re not alone. Individuals with larger bodies, members of the LGBTQIA+2s communities also feel left out. Kit offers holistic wellness coaching with an emphasis on the dynamic nature of health, especially in populations which may have been traditionally abandoned by the western medical establishment.

Kit focuses on mental and spiritual health, as well as physical health, because all aspects of our health work together for total wellness.