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Explore My Other Sites

I am multi-passionate, and I bet you might be too. I invite you to explore my other pages.

Kit Author – I write fantasy, equestrian literature, and young adult works as Kit Muse. You can also find all my books listed here.

Epona Author Solutions – If you’re an author looking to get off the hustle bus and need help with the technology you use for your author business, check out Epona Author Solutions

Author Yogi – I’m passionate about coaching authors to approach the publishing business their way to reduce stress and avoid burnout. If you would like creative coaching for your writing projects, check out the Author Yogi.

MuseCharmer Network – a podcasting and video network which also distrubutes the Chicken Yogi Show and Chicken Yogi TV.


Note: This FAQ primarily goes with my Chicken Yogi Club Membership Group.

What is the Chicken Yogi Way(TM)?

The Chicken Yogi Way(TM) involves examining your own stories, learning what is authentically yours, and epressing yourself in a way that honors your individuality and true nature. For more information see this page.

I have a chronic illness/disability. Are your classes still for me?

YES! I believe that yoga can be for every body regardless of size, health status, flexibility, or any other factor. My classes are accessible, gentle, and geared toward those who may be new to yoga or unable to do more strenuous poses.

Are your classes sensory friendly?

I do my best to provide sensory friendly classes. There is no background music. Many classes are recorded outside near the horse pasture. Roosters may be heard crowing in the background. The room where I record has a plain wall for minimal designs. I work with enough lighting for the video, but no glaring overhead fluorescent lamps. And since all classes are virtual, no incense or fragrances are provided. You control when/where you watch the class and if you attend live or use the recordings.

What should I bring?

For yoga classes, please have a yoga mat (I like this one.) or wear slipper or yoga socks (These are my favorite.). The important thing is to make sure your feet don't slip, so bare feedt are also fine. You may also wish to have yoga blocks, a rolled up blanket or a bolster.

For meditation classes, a chair or soft cushion/blanket if you're sitting on the floor are all that's required.

Why do you include yoga, energy work, and tapping? Isn't that all just "woo woo"?

Alternative therapies, which yoga, energy work such as reiki, and tapping are, are often used to support and encourage stress reduction and healing. In the case of my work, this healing is an internal process where we work to release old stories and patterns which no longer service us as we step into our authentic selves. During this transition, energy can become stuck. Our thoughts can become stuck. And we often have a hard time replacing old behaviors. Yoga, energy work, and tapping -- these alternative therapies -- help us to tune into ourselves and our awareness so we can determine what's true for us and move forward with that new paradigm.

What should I wear?

No special clothing is required. Wear loose, comfortable clothing (for example, soft pants and a t-shirt). Classes are virtual and no cameras (except for the instructor) are used in class, so be comfortable. Wear what you want.

How long are classes?

Classes and sessions last between 30-40 minutes.

What if I have more questions?

Check out Help & Support at the top of this page to visit our Support Hub.

Opening Hours

See our class schedule for class times or check out our on demand videos.


(417) 462-6393


902 W Broadway PMB 363
West Plains, MO 65775
*all classes are virtual*