Short Story

Help a trans, disabled AuDHD yoga teacher significantly  improve their mental/physical health (see story!) by building a building on their property to accommodate yoga classes and podcast/internet tv recording (plus add some farm amenities) cheaper than they could rent/purchase space in southern Missouri.

Build My Yoga/Recording Studio

by Kit Caelsto

  • $6,000.00

    Funding Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • Campaign Never Ends

    Campaign End Method
Raised Percent :
Minimum amount is $5 Maximum amount is $ Put a valid number
Southern Missouri, United States (US)

Kit Caelsto

1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

See full bio

Campaign Story

What is this project?

Our goal is to build a quanset hut (metal building to be finished inside) that among other things will function as a yoga studio and recording studio for the podcast, Chicken Yogi TV, and other projects I have in mind. Most importantly the first step is to demolish the old trailer, which is a daily PTSD trigger/reminder of the abuse I suffered financially and emotionally from clergy due to lies and financial extortion, as well as the fact that made it so I was unable to get mom a home of her own before she died. I feel like that’s a big personal failing of mine, and won’t lie. It hurts. Getting the trailer removed would help with the healing process in a major way!

Why build?

First, I am 15-25 miles away from any city, and finding a place to rent, let alone buy, would be nightmarish. I live in rural, southern Missouri which has recently passed some extremely transphobic laws.  I do not believe that it would be safe for me out and own property/rent property in town. Additionally, as I’d want to be doing something in the building every day, it would save on fuel and environmental costs to have a building on site. Additionally, we have the space here, and part of the property could function as a small barn area bringing water closer to the horses/pet pigs/chickens, as well as electricity closer to them as well in the event of an emergency. Power and water are available and installed ON SITE already.

We have the knowledge of basic carpentry and home renovation skills to do a lot of the work ourselves. Sure, it’ll be done slowly, on our own time, but it will get done.

The building  we’re looking at (quanset hut) are more structurally engineered than our old mobile home, which means we’ll have a better place to go in case of storms as well. (Not being able to buy a storm shelter due to the financial extortion I endured, is yet another of my biggest regrets and pain points, so this would help heal that, too.)

We can do this cheaper than we could purchase a property of comparable size and of course anything we purchase would be a 15-25 mile one-way trip, so not useful on the farm.

This is a four phase project. That’s great because it means all the money doesn’t have to be raised at once.

Step : Demolition of old trailer and opening up the space = est cost $5,000 based on a recent estimate from a local company. This would also include proper disposal of the remains of the trailer.
Step : Concrete pad for foundation of building = est cost $10,000 (based on website concrete pad estimates, may be less due to our area)
Step : Building (Budget $15-17,000 This feels like a good estimate based on conversations with the Quanset hut company)
Step : Interior finishing (plumbing, electrical, etc.) = Guessing $20K. The good news is that we can do most of this work ourselves (me and spouse) so it would just be materials. I’ve got an Amazon wishlist going too.

Right now the project target is set to be enough money to meet Step . Targets will be adjusted as we finalize numbers/raise funds.

What is going to happen with the money since we pay immediately?

All money raised for this project is going to go into a special business savings account created just for this project. I am serious about this project and the money will only be used for this project. I will also be providing monthly updates and progress reports to all crowdfunders so you’ll be kept informed.


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